App Trailers is a way to earn some small side money and gift cards. Some may wonder is App Trailers worth it? The answer to this is yes. App Trailers pays out very little, but at the same time requires very little interaction. Simply pick up your mobile device, tap a few buttons and let the videos roll by. You can do something else while the videos are running and even turn off the sound.
If you do this every day, eventually you will be able to earn rewards like iTunes gift cards, Wii points cards, Starbucks gift cards or cash on your Paypal account. It literally takes a few minutes a day to rack up these rewards.
Click one of the following links to install App Trailers.
Now if you want to get more points, you can go to Enter Bonus Code and enter the code bonusweapon to receive extra points.
How much money do you make a day? Or a week? Or a month?